Hello there! I'm Mary and welcome to my page! I'm so glad that you decided to come for a visit. Just a little bit about me...I was married off young (when I say young, I'm talking 20) and had kids 3 yrs later. Life has been a roller coaster since the husband got a traveling job, and we have been going ever since. I have moved 7 times over the past 6 years and as of right now, that's changing anytime soon (but who knows).

I love my children and being married to their daddy. We try to spend as much time together, as a family, as much as possible. But when it isn't family time, I am usually sitting at my sewing machine, baking in the kitchen or even sometimes, watching some of my favorite Netflix shows. Mostly though, I'm always in my sewing area. I love to come up with new ideas or ones that I have found and make them better. Sewing has become a passion of mine and not so much of a hobby anymore. I love to create with my hands. I finally feel like I have more purpose in life than just being a wife and a mother. 

When you get married and have children, moms seem to get lost in the mix. You sometimes feel like you lose your identity as a person, your own person. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mother and a wife, but I also want to be Mary. When it comes to my crafting, you see me and not anything or anyone else.

God has blessed me with a wonderful and supportive husband and 2 beyond beautiful children. I couldn't really ask for anything else. Please stick with me through all my trial and error, my victories and failures. I promise, I won't disappoint. 


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